Sunday, April 18, 2010


Hi all,

I have decided to start a public blog here at blogger. As a wanna be writer, I will be posting things here that I am working on and random thoughts that I frequently write about then put away into my hard drive. Some are fiction, some creative non-fiction and some just musings on real events in my life.

I will write about who I am, what makes me tick, what makes me mad and what it means to Be Bold and why I continually strive to live a life out loud and what that means to me. Mostly, what it means to "be well"! Being well is important. it's crucial really. I don't just mean on the physical level - in fact I rarely speak on just a physical level. So, I have created it -and as they say: If you build it they will come.

So, there will be more to come. Thanks for letting me blah on you for a while. I hope to keep BeComing...the person my cat thinks I am! :)


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